Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Back To Reality 4-25-12

Sorry I've been MIA.  Friday we took off for our first camping trip out to our lake lot.  It was WONDERFUL!  Temps in the 50's at night (one night it even got to 46!).  During the day highs in the 70's.  We picked up our boat from the boat shop where it was being tuned up.  It was filthy, so Saturday I spent a little over 2 hours scrubbing mold and mildrew.  When I got done, it nearly looked as good as new.

So of course we took it out.  This is me, enjoying the ride.

We fished and fished and drove all around.  The catfish were biting and we caught a bunch, though sadly only 3 were big enough to keep.   Lonnie cleaned those and I froze them, so we can add to them next time. 

Here's Lonnie piloting the boat.  (Doesn't he look happy?)

It was a fun and relaxing weekend.  And yes, I wrote.  I brought along my Alphasmart and wrote.  Not as much as I probably should have - don't know the word count yet as I haven't uploaded it to my computer - but I did. 

I also read.  I finished a fantastic book called White Horse by Alex Adams.  And I'm in the middle of reading The Garden of Happy Endings by Barbara O'Neal.  Another great read.

And so now I'm home.  Groceries are bought, laundry done, emails caught up.  Hopefully this morning I can dive right in. 

One last shot of our camper and lake lot from the boat pier.

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