Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday 7-28-10

I'm feeling a little down in the dumps. Just about every writer I know is in Orlando for the Romance Writers of American National Conference. I usually go - in fact in the last ten years I've only missed two - one in San Francisco in 2008 and this one.

I sooo wish I was there though. It's both an energy boost and a drain - over 2000 writers all talking shop, editors from every major Romance publisher, and literary agents. I always get to visit with my agent as well as my editor and Harlequin puts on an outrageously fun party (with an open bar!)

I feel sooo left out. But I'm a big girl - I'll get over it. Plus I have line edits and a book to write. And the Evil Day Job. From where I haven't had a vacation since LAST years RWA Conference. Sigh.

Today's pic - the Norwegian Sun, from a cruise I took with my husband back in 2006 (also the last time the two of us took a week off from the EDJ!)

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