Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Difficult Writing

My mom's memorial service is Friday.  Two years ago to the day from when she called to tell me she'd been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.  (I hate capitalizing it - it feels like doing so gives it even more power.)

I was asked to write the Eulogy.  It was one of the most difficult things I've ever written, and I come up with words for a living.  I wrote one terrible draft, then poked around online, and read examples.  Then I ditched my first effort and wrote a second, much better one.  The only problem is that I will have to read it out loud at the service and I can't get through it without crying.

So I'm going to practice reading it again and again and again, until I can.  Because I owe my mother this.


Jayne Hoogenberk said...

Karen I'm so sorry for your loss.


Anna Adams said...

Karen, I'll be praying for you. You can do this. Sending you love and warm, healing wishes.