Friday, October 18, 2013

Clouds and Musings

I love learning new things.  Last night on the news weather, I learned these kinds of clouds are known as Mare's Tails.

I took this picture in my backyard.

I'm still sick with the cold that will never end - it's moved into my chest and I'm hacking and wheezing and sneezing.  My nose is chapped and raw, and I just want to curl up and sleep.  So not pleasant.  Meanwhile, Lonnie is feeling pretty good.  His cold skipped the head cold part and went to his chest, but he seems to have shook it pretty much.  He brought it home and this is just not fair.  Ah well.

I've turned in line edits and AA's on my February book, signed the new contract, entered the Rita's, written an author tip for The Knight Agency newsletter, and am working on my next Harlequin Romantic Suspense. Writing isn't easy when you feel like crud, and I'll probably abandon the attempt today.  We'll see.

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