Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday Already

I can't believe it's already Wednesday!  And still Spring!  And exclamation points CAN be overused!!
(Sorry)  Here's a picture of flowers in my backyard to make up for it.

Anyway, I finally chose a start for my new book.  After I did that, I got my Alphasmart and went outside.
I sat in my outdoor "office" and wrote.

Since it was in the 80's, I put shorts on.  I just sat there and swung and wrote and loving life.

Yesterday I even cut out pictures of my hero and pasted them in the notebook - I set up a notebook for each book.  I chose Ricky Martin (yes, I know he's gay, but he's still hot and can be my imaginary hero, so there!)
For my heroine, I haven't found the picture yet, but I will.  Soon, I'm sure.  Meanwhile, I'm just thrilled to be starting the book.  Finally.

I've also been hitting the gym.  I worked my back and abs on Monday.  Yesterday, I just did cardio (elliptical and exercise bike) and read.  I've started reading an amazing new book on my Kindle.  It's called Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers and it's set in the 1400's and is about an assassin nun.  Fascinating book and well written.  I'm truly enjoying it.  I've also recently finished The Hundred Thousand Kingdom series.  That one was three books and truly enjoyable.  If I ever write a "just for me" book, I think I'd like to try a fantasy novel rather than romance.  Shrug.  Not sure I can pull off all that world building, but still. 

I have over 200 unread books on my Kindle - I keep getting the free ones as well as buying ones.  So I'm set for reading material.  How about you?  What are you reading?  Anything amazing that you want to share?

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