Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I wrote a post for yesterday, complete with images.  But everytime I uploaded it, the images disappeared.   I even tried again this morning and no luck, so I just deleted it and am starting over.

I had a perfectly lovely weekend, even though we didn't go to the lake place. We didn't go because the weather forecasters were prediction bad storms with chance of hail and tornados. Quite frankly, the last place I would want to be in weather like that is a camper trailer.

So, we stayed home. I went shopping for a dress to wear to my nephew's high school graduation and also got groceries. It was hot - the humidity level was through the roof and even sitting in the shade could make you perspire.

We did swim a bit - or at least the dogs and the hubby did.  I sat in the shade under the outdoor ceiling fans and sweltered.

The sale of the business is going well.  Today we should receive the contract and down payment from the buyer.  Then I have to send notice to customers and get everything ready for the buyer to pick up this weekend.  Then we have to liquidate the furnishings, after we move the things we want to keep to our home.

Oddly enough - even though I'm ecstatic to get to write full time - it's sort of bittersweet too.  I guess because I've devoted 12 years of my life to this business.  Shrug.  I'll get over it, I know.  And, after a well-deserved vacation, I can focus on my writing career with a single-minded dedication.

Now THAT's going to be weird.  Talk about an adjustment.  I have to learn a new routine and let my creativity come back full force rather than delegating it to a certain time period of the day.

I can't wait.  And, as I've mentioned before, one of the first things I'm going to do is redesign my office.  I'm bringing my awesome desk home from the business.  I'll probably be selling this one.

Ah well, back to it.  I don't think I'll post any pictures today after the way it wouldn't work yesterday.  Maybe next post.

Now I'm back at the day job, trying to work on the two synopsis's that I need to turn in by the end of the week. Oh, and blogging, of course.

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