Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Wow, so it's mid-week and the weekend has long worn off for me.  The sale of our business is progressing quite nicely and my husband is dealing with all that.  Me, I'm dealing with end-of-book-must-meet-deadline jitters.  11 days, 10 if you subtract Easter (which I must as I have family coming over and am cooking).  Doable, considering that I'll hit 60,000 words today and need 70,000.  But I need to have at least one day (preferably two) to read it, make sure it makes sense, correct any repetitions (like my overuse of certain words), before I email it to my editor in NYC.

I'm thinking about taking today off.  Thinking about taking next Wednesday off.   Arrrrgh! 

Plus I need to plan what I'm cooking for the holiday (ordered ham, just now printed off some recipes from, clean the house, grocery shop, get a (much needed) pedicure, and maintain at the day job.  Have I mentioned how much I'm looking forward to the day job going away?  Have I?  No?  Are you sure?

Anyway, if I'm a bit sketchy in my posts for the next couple of days, you'll know why.  Back to shapeshifters and romance!


I took today off.  By noon I had 1000 words and did some much needed revising/adding elements that I only decided on as I neared the end.   I'm going to try for 2000 words and more revising and then I'm going to take myself off to get a much-deserved pedicure. 

The end is in sight!  I can actually see it!!!

1 comment:

Regina Richards said...

Glad you're getting close to finishing the book. And glad you're getting close to fulltime writer-hood. :)