Ah, the crisp air, the changing leaves. I love sweaters and boots and just about everything about autumn. Even if we often had to wear coats under our Halloween costumes.
I still struggling on writing the book. But it's taking shape, albeit slower than I'd like. I wrote an article for my Romance Writer's chapter, then debated asking them not to publish it, as it made me feel too... exposed. Vulnerable. Ah well, I'm going to let them publish it, assuming they want to.
Other than that, life is good. I'm ready for what passes for fall here in sweltering Texas. Ready for the temps to go from hellish to relatively normal. Ready to camp and light campfires at night, to get up in the morning and have to put on a jacket to let the dogs out. Bring it on.
Today's random photo - my female Mini-Schnauzer Daisy in her Halloween costume

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