Friday, January 18, 2013

Keeping Life Interesting

Like I posted yesterday, I've started a new story.  This is always a kind of nerve-wracking time for me, as my editor hasn't approved the synopsis yet.  I always worry that I'll get a few chapters in and she'll email me to say "No.  Come up with something else."  So far, that hasn't happened, but one never knows.

I'm reading Writing 21st Century Fiction (when I can) by Donald Maass.  This is my craft book for this quarter.  I've also ordered Scrivener for Dummies, because every other writer I know seems to love that software, and I don't understand it.  And I'm STILL trying to get used to typing on this damn new ergonomic keyboard.  Grrr.

Plus I'm reading my Rita books.  6 new to me authors.  For those of you reading this who don't know, every year The Romance Writers of America has a contest, kind of like the Grammys of romance writing.  Published authors judge other author's books, only in a category the judging author hasn't entered.  The winner is announced in a big ceremony at the annual covention, which is in Atlanta this year. 

Plus writing this new story.  The characters are still relative strangers to me, and that makes it interesting. 

So far, life has been a bit crazy.  I really hope my husband feels better soon.

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