Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Almost Independence Day

Tomorrow is the 4th of July.  I'm going to be busy as we're having several people over for a pool partry and a cookout (huge pork ribs - yum!).  I've got to make potato salad, pasta salad, and baked beans.  Lonnie is grilling the ribs.  My sister-in-law is bringing peach cobbler (we have Blue Bell Vanilla ice cream!), rolls, and chips and dip.  At last count there will be 8 people.  Should be fun!

In years past we've spent a lot of 4ths at the lake.  They do a really amazing fireworks show and it's always been a blast.  Though last year, it was too damn hot, so we stayed home but didn't do anything special to mark the occasion. 

Not so this year!

Here's Mitchell, my Mini-Schnauzer, enjoying a boat ride at the lake.

Other years we've gone to Colorado and spent the holiday with my Dad.  Now that he's moved here, we no longer have that option.  I will miss going to Boulder, even though I only went up there every other year.  It's a beautiful city and I love the vibe there.

But this year, we're staying home, here in hot, sizzling Texas.  Perfect for a pool party, right?

Anyway, in case I don't make it to the computer to post tomorrow, Happy Birthday, USA!

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