Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Again

It's back to work time for me, though not to a day job, just to my writing job.  Which is fine.  After spending years working outside the home, I zealously guard my weekends and don't even like to sit down at my computer for very long.  Until it's close to deadline (like now!) 

So I wrote a little bit on Sunday, but more importantly, I fixed a plot problem that's been nagging me.
And I enjoyed the beautiful weather - waking up to high 60's, low 70's and having highs about 91 or 92.  For August in Texas, that's pretty amazing.  So we grilled out, hung around the pool, and swam.  The dogs played.  It was lovely.

This morning I got up at 5am rather than my usual 6 and took my little foster dog Katniss in for her Heartworm treatment.  We had to leave her at the vets and she gets shots of poison to kill those nasty worms.  She will be very sick  and once she comes home, she is on absolute crate rest for 30 days.  If she moves too much or gets excited, the dying worms could cause a blood clot in her heart and kill her.  Note - I just tried to post a picture of Katniss and every dang time I do, the web pages shuts down.  Not sure why, but it sucks. 

UPDATE - I found out it's a compatibility issue with IE, so I'm using Chrome.  And voila, picture.

Here's Katniss

I was also going to post a few pictures from the Heart concert I went to on Thursday night.  But there goes that idea.  It was a lot of fun and good music.  I was surprised at how much the opening band, the Jason Bonham Experience, sounded like Led Zeppelin.  Amazing. 

Ah well, I do have work to do.  The book is due 2 weeks from today. 

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