Friday, August 31, 2012

A Lament and a Prayer

Today, I finished my book.  Wrote over 3000 words.  Yesterday over 2000.    That's 30 pages or so. 

I busted my ass.  Played romantic, sappy music for the wedding scene.  Sighed, got a tear in my eye, and was thrilled with the way it turned out. 

I yelled downstairs to my husband that I. Had. Finished.  And to break out the celebratory beer, because I would be right down to have a toast. 

Then I clicked the wrong button and deleted everything I'd done in the last two days.


I wept, I screamed, I knashed my teeth.  I cursed, I drank, I locked myself in my office and pounded my head against my desk.

I searched the internet, emailed friends, called (awesome service).  To no avail.  The file was GONE.

Gone.  As if it never existed.  As if I hadn't opened my veins on paper.

I prayed.  Made promises to God.  And emailed the people at Dropbox, the online backup service I used that was supposed to have saved all files, but didn't appear to have anything since Wednesday.

I am praying, hoping, oh my GOD, praying they have my file and it's somehow not showing. 

Because otherwise, I have to start all over.  All the emotions, the words, the lovely beautiful wedding scene, I will have to rewrite.  And hope can find the magic.

I promise you this.  If Dropbox lets me down, I will tweet and FB and blog to everyone - never use that service.  Because I foolishly put my trust in it. 

I should have simply inserted a memory stick into my computer and backed up that way.  Then I'd be able to enjoy this three day weekend.  I'd be DONE. 

Pray for me.  Please.


Regina Richards said...

I am sooo sorry that happened to you. I had a similar experience when my computer became infected with a virus that corrupted everything. The hard drive had to be erased and all my software reloaded. But, and I hope this will be the case for you as well, once it was, I was able to go out to Dropbox and everything was still there waiting for me.

My sympathies and best wishes.

Liz Flaherty said...

I am so sorry--I hope it's there!