Thursday, November 14, 2013

A New Day

What a difference a few days can make!  We had a freeze (finally!), and temperatures have remained moderately chilly (50's) for Texas.

And I've been writing!  Enjoying the story even.  Yesterday, I put on my earbuds and used my I-Pod, sat in my recliner, and wrote 1500 words.  That made my entire day.

I still have the cough and the sinus stuff.  But in a short while, I'll be heading to Vegas, land of cigarette smoke.  I'll arm myself with nasal spray and inhalers and try to spend time outdoors in the dry air.  I'll miss my dogs and my foster dogs, but it will be nice to have a few dog-free days!

Meanwhile, I'm hopeful today will be another good writing day.  Wish me luck.

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