Monday, June 17, 2013

I Now Love Mondays

The rain is coming down, pitter-pattering on my office window.  Thunder is booming in the distance.  This morning, I was outside with the dogs and watched the storm come in from the northwest.  I didn't get to take my usual walk, so I'll have to either do it later or use the treadmill.  But I've got a cup of hot coffee and feel blessed.

I love my job.  For over twenty years I dreamed of being a full-time writer.  This month marks the second anniversary of when we sold our insurance agency and my second year as a full-time writer.   I'm happy, even if I'm a bit heavier weight-wise.  I don't shop as much and surprisingly, don't miss it as badly as I thought I would. 

The best part is that I'm able to write in huge chunks and take my time, rather than rushing to fit in the words around my day job.  Because this IS my day job now.

My husband says "Happy Monday" to me now.  He knows how much I used to dread Mondays and how much I now love them.

Happy Monday!

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