Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I'm Still Standing

Sorry, sorry, sorry little blog and readers.  I am still alive and kicking.  I just had a crazy bout of family stuff to deal with, which appears to be temporarily settled.  Then we went on the vacation I mentioned, and sorely needed. 

And I had a story to turn in for a Harlequin Short On-line Read for Romantic Suspense.  I just did that (and I love the story!).  Now, I have a 80,000 word Nocturne due on 9-1 and it's only half done.  Three weeks of family drama plus one week of vacation put me WAY behind.  I shall persevere.  (And pray!)

My foster dog Katniss got spayed this week.  That was a big hurdle for her due to her being so ill initially.  Once she recovers from that, we've got to get her Heartworm Treatment done, and then she can go to her forever family, whoever that may be. 

And now for my trip.  I'll post a few photos every day (though they're all on Facebook, if you're my friend there!)

UPDATE!  I've been trying For a week to post pictures, but Blogger won't let me.  It keeps shutting down IE.  So, if you want to see my pics, go to www.facebook.com/kwhiddon1

My apologies.  $*@*# Blogger.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Sorry for my absence.  I'm writing when I can, but mainly struggling with some major family issues.  I promise to re-blog when I can.